Consentmo's First Steps with the App Checklist Banner

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Dilyana Simeonova
July 17, 2024

Getting Started with Consentmo: A Checklist for Shopify Merchants


Setting up a new app can be hard, but the initial steps are key for an easy experience and effective functionality. We understand this here at Consentmo! So we have designed a checklist banner to help Shopify merchants get the app up and running.

The New Feature: First Steps with the App

Our latest update introduces the "First Steps with the App" banner. This is a in-app checklist to simplify your Consentmo setup. This checklist includes four steps you need to complete to get Consentmo fully running on your store. Each step is simple and designed to make the setup process as user-friendly as possible. Let's dive into each step.

Step 1: App Embed Activation

The first step in the setup process is activating the Consentmo app embed. This step is vital as it guarantees the Cookie Bar will be displayed on the front end of your store. To activate the app embed, simply click the "Enable App Embed" button in the dashboard. Once activated, click "Refresh" to confirm that the app embed is enabled correctly.

Activating the app embed allows your Cookie Bar to function correctly. Without this activation, it won’t appear on your store as it should. Then, you won’t be able to collect necessary consent from your visitors. This step assures your store complies with privacy regulations right from the start.

Note: We hope Shopify will soon remove the need of this step, but it all depends on their timeframe.

Step 2: Configure Shopify Customer Privacy Settings

Next, you need to configure the Shopify Customer Privacy Settings. This step involves setting up Shopify's consent collection mechanism. You want to align it with your store's privacy requirements. That way you can verify that your store collects customer consent correctly. And is also adhering to relevant privacy laws and regulations. Click on the "Customer Privacy" button, from there go to the "Cookie banner" setting, then "More actions" and "Use custom cookie banner". To finish this step, select the regions you want the Cooke Bar to be active.

Configuring these settings helps you manage how customer data is collected and processed. It also validates that you are transparent with your customers about how their data is used. This step is important for building trust with your customers. It also helps with maintaining compliance with laws like GDPR and CCPA-CPRA.

Step 3: Cookie Bar Setup

The third step is setting up your Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup. This involves setting the text for the Cookie Bar, scanning for cookies, and managing their display details. A good Cookie Bar is important for informing your customers about cookie usage and obtaining their consent. You can customize the text and appearance of the Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup to match your store's branding simply by clicking on the "Manage" button. That will take you directly to the Cookie bar settings tab.

The suggested settings include:

  • Customizing Text: Tailor the text on your Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup to clearly explain what cookies are used for.
  • Scanning for Cookies: Conduct a thorough scan to identify all the cookies your store uses. This helps in accurate disclosure to your customers.
  • Managing Display Details: Adjust the appearance and behavior of your Cookie Bar to align with your store's aesthetic and needs. You can choose where it appears, how it looks, and how visitors can interact with it.
Step 4: Check Your Cookie Bar on the Storefront

Finally, check your Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup on the storefront to make sure everything is working correctly. This involves visiting your store's front end and accepting the cookies. After acceptance, the data will appear in the Dashboard tab shortly. This step is essential to verify that the Cookie Bar is functioning as expected and that consent data is being accurately recorded.

Testing your Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup is important so you know that it not only looks good but also functions correctly. This step helps in identifying any compliance missteps early on so they can be fixed promptly. It also allows you to see the consent data start flowing into your Dashboard. That is the place where you will be provided with valuable insights into customer interactions and preferences.

Why the First Steps of Setup are Important

Completing these initial setup steps is vital for the effective operation of Consentmo. By following this step-by-step in-app checklist, you can confirm that your store complies with relevant privacy laws from the start. A properly configured app helps you manage customer consent effectively. Maintaining trust and transparency with your customers is the most important thing you can do especially in the early stages of your store.

These steps are designed to be user-friendly, helping even those new to privacy compliance to navigate the setup with ease. Each step builds upon the previous one, making sure that by the end of the setup process, your store is fully compliant and ready to collect consent. Apart from them of course, Consentmo has many additional features to assist you in setting up your compliance, so take a look around in the app as well.


We’ve designed the "First Steps with the App" banner to make the initial setup of Consentmo as easy and efficient as possible. By following these four steps, you can be confident that your store is fully compliant and that your Cookie Bar is functioning correctly. If you have any questions or need further help for these or any other features, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or visit our Knowledge Base. Dont's trust our word? Well, just check out our reviews!

Ready to get started with Consentmo? Download the app from the Shopify App Store.

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About the Author

Dilyana Simeonova
Dilyana is a Marketing Specialist in Consentmo with an academic background in Advertisement and Brand Management. Stumbling into the tech world with this job, she feels like she finally found her calling and is set on bringing the best compliance information to all Consentmo users.

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